The Technology

ShaeFit™ integrates with your favourite technologies to optimise health support – changing with every beat to suit your most current health status.

  • GPS tracks where you are in the world, updates your weather, climate, pollution & pollen counts and gives accurate health advice.
  • Notifications in language that resonates with your natural way of being equals easy understanding and better compliance.
  • ShaeFit™ syncs with your natural body clock, supporting you through 24 hours of the day.
  • Chat with your coach, find new friends and connect with people who literally think the same way that you do.
  • Data from your body is used to tailor every aspect of your recommendations. No other app is as precise for your health.
  • Connect with wearables and sync your data for real-time practical health choices.

The Science Behind ShaeFit™

ShaeFit™ integrates scientific evidence from multiple fields of study around the world and cutting-edge technology into one powerful platform.

How Does it Work?

ShaeFit™ uses anthropometry (the scientific assessment of your body measurements), family history, and assessment of your lifestyle and environment to determine your phenotypical profile. This allows your app to correlate predictive, preventative, personalised health data and give you practical health advice.

By measuring your body, science can assess your current health status.

Science has proven that your lifestyle can affect your health.

Shaefit integrates these insights to deliver personalized lifestyle recommendations for your current health status!

Decades of research gathered centuries of data from scientific studies and lifestyle interventions.

Completely Personalised to You

In modern anthropometry, it is known that every bodily measurement has a specific ratio when harmony is maintained. Anthropometric measurements are thus used as markers of health and disease, not only on their own but commonly as they relate to one another. Similarly, the body displays signs and symptoms that can be used to assess its current state of health.

Your body on the outside is a direct reflection of your health on the inside. From these simple physical assessments, ShaeFit™ personalises data specifically to your body, right now.

Scientific Fields of Study

ShaeFit™ is serviced by a complex algorithm constructed on a collaborative association of 15 sciences. Browse the science overviews below to find out more about what is included in the calculations.

Turning Evidence Into Advice

So how do we transform scientific findings into something an individual can use to improve their health and wellness? Watch the case study discussions below to find out.

ShaeFit™ is Doctor Endorsed

ShaeFit™ is designed to use the latest evidence in science and medicine to make health simple and easy for everyone.

The pioneering science of Personalized Health is helping us to identify and address the underlying imbalances in each unique body. When these imbalances are addressed, we see a significant shift in the well-being of a person, translating to improved physical health, higher productivity, better mood, happier relationships and a more positive outlook on life in general.

Dr Lawrence Goldman, MD
Modern medicine has deviated from its wholesome roots and has abundantly dedicated its course to the unwise practice of addressing only the symptoms and not the root cause of diseases. The world needs a better way to be healthy. ph360 found it.

Dr Alberto Garoli OMD, BAMS
Conventional medicine is incredible for acute things but we’re not very good at managing chronic things and stopping people from getting sick. Our body is our temple. We’re connected to everything. We forget to take time out to just be. This wave of new medicine is driven by the desire of the people, the community, that’s demanding something different.

Dr Penny Caldicott MD

Case Studies

Download the Personalised Health case studies below for further exploration

62 Year Old Female

This case study describes how an individual reduced their blood pressure from severe hypertension (200/115) to normal (<125/80) in 10 weeks, while significantly reducing weight and waist measurements. Download

18 Year Old Ballet Dancer

This case study follows an individual with a history of headaches, digestive discomfort and generally low energy, and discusses the cessation of these symptoms after addressing numerous factors associated with food… Download

Want to Know More?

ShaeFit™ knows what you need to achieve your full potential in health and fitness. Learn more about how ShaeFit™ works at one of the links below.

Available at Health Clubs, Gyms and with Personal Trainers Globally

Ask your local fitness professional for access to ShaeFit™ now.