The Most Valuable Tool You Can Have
ShaeFit™ is a valuable addition to any health club, fitness centre or personal trainer toolkit
Give your clients the ultimate support in achieving their health and fitness goals.
Utilise cutting edge research and technology to create personalised training plans.
Support your clients in 360 degrees of life, 24/7 with no additional effort.
Increase client results, retention and satisfaction.
Become part of the movement to change the perception of health and fitness around the world.

The Personal Health Code
Your Personal Health Code calculates precise recommendations on what, when and how to eat, and which type of exercises, when and how often to do them. It is tailored to each individual, cross-correlated with their natural HealthType potential and their training goals to give guaranteed results. Nothing is more accurate and nothing else in the marketplace is suitable for every body. Regular updates allow the program to be personalised every time.
Setting up a Client Profile is Simple
All you need is a browser. Login from any browser on your desktop or download the ShaeFit™ app onto your device.
Share Lifestyle Insights
The 30 minute assessment your clients can do at home or with a Trainer calculates genetic expression from scientific measurements of the body, family history and genetic traits like eyes colour and texture of hair.
Measure Up
Your Trainers can walk clients through this part of the assessment or – it is simple enough to DIY. Use a trusty tape measure to measure various parts of the body to help identify the unique gene expression.
Get The Results
In less than 1 minute, over 10,000 data points are analysed from those answers given in the questionnaire! This gives you highly specific, tailored health information uniquely generated for each client.
Enhance your performance. Maximise your results.
Your Personal Training service just improved 150%
How? There is only so much the human mind can process on it’s own, let alone in a 30 min session while inspiring, motivating, correcting and making sure all boxes are ticked. Now you can give reliable advice based exactly on the client in front of you, where they are today – both in the gym and the kitchen.
Your Membership Value Just Skyrocketed
Life doesn’t stop at the gym, no matter how much we want it to. Now your members are supported 24/7 – as soon as they walk out the door – knowing what to eat, when to eat it and how to support their body to achieve the goals they want.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find answers of all your questions below. Still confused? Get in touch with us [email protected]
Will ShaeFit™ work for me?
How can you expect to increase retention when your members don’t get the results they joined for? Is the only way to price cut? And how do you remain competitive when others are charging so little per month? The only other way to improve your retention or to attract new members is to add value. So how do you add value? You could pay staff to run the latest classes, or buy the latest gadgets, or equipment, or fads.. rolling the dice to spend more money in the hope that you get more clients in a saturated market or at least stay competitive which means it’s wasted money anyway. Heck, if you’re desperate you might even rebrand because you think it’s your image! So what’s a better model? Take a leaf out of the 2 industries that influence the health and fitness industry: the Medical & Health industry and the Business World. The business industry says smart business is done through networks and joint ventures. So why don’t you join someone for a scalable, profit sharing campaign that adds value AND $$ to you? The Health & Medicine industry says get personal – looking at genetics and cells to find out what to eat and how to train to get and keep results. So why don’t you jump the curve and tell your members what to eat and how to train to get the results that they want? And not just offer generic advice for them to get confused about – they can google that themselves! Your solution is ShaeFit™.
How does ShaeFit™ work?
ShaeFit™ is completely personalised and scientific yet extremely simple and easy to use. It simply requires a 30 minute initial setup and 15 minutes to update whenever desired. The 30 minute assessment you can do yourself at home calculates your genetic expression from scientific measurements of your body, your family history and genetic traits like the colour of your eyes and texture of your hair. Once the calculation is complete, you have immediate access to workouts, meal planning and motivational strategies that are all tailored specifically for you. When something as revolutionary as ShaeFit™ comes along, sometimes it’s a little overwhelming. Read the following FAQs for a brief rundown on the basics of Personalised Health with ShaeFit™.
Can I do this program if I have a health condition?
Just like any health change, it is always important to consult your doctor before you participate if you have a health condition. Within the ph360 health professionals network, we have all the expertise required to manage all conditions. If you want to know about your particular condition and considerations for it, please talk to your trainer who can put you in touch with the best practitioners to ensure that everything you are doing is safe.
How often my food list will update?
Your Food list will update each time you update your measurements in the ph360 online questionnaire. Sometimes these changes are subtle, other times they can be quite dramatic. They will alter by the amount needed for you to be in your best health right at this moment.
What is epigenetics?
Things that you have access to every day – like the foods you eat, the activity you do, the environment around you, how you think and who you talk to. These factors ALL have the potential to activate your genes, in fact they’re called your Epigenetic factors – the factors outside of your genes that can turn them on or off.
What is the science behind ShaeFit™?
Fifteen different sciences, five hundred ratios and ten thousand data points are used to create your ShaeFit™ results. Little known sciences like Anthropometry and Phenotypology, traditional medicines like TCM and Ayurveda and modern sciences like Molecular Biology and Embryology all come together in a symbiotic process that results in your Personal Health Code – the key to naturally maintaining your body and health.
What will ShaeFit™ cost me to set up?
ShaeFit™ provides a unique, cutting edge service to add incredible value to your clients. Depending on the model you choose, ShaeFit™ can cost you nothing in set-up, maintenance or administration fees. ShaeFit™ gets your clients the results they want – the reason they started with your services in the first place, meaning they don’t have to go anywhere else! And they’re likely to tell all their friends about it too!
How do I get started?
ShaeFit™ can be used in a variety of different models depending on how much you want to invest in your business. From an affiliate model with no fees, just commissions to a full-blown white label service, ShaeFit™ can be tailored specifically to your needs. So what are you waiting for? Getting your members started with ShaeFit™ is as easy as giving them a link to tap. Your gym becomes the ultimate service provider by giving each individual member exactly what they need to get the results they want, every time. Contact us today and start sharing in the benefits ShaeFit™ can bring to your members and your business. Simply contact us by emailing [email protected] and one of our awesome representatives will get in touch asap!
What is Personalised Health?
Personalised Health means tailoring your health care regime specifically to you: YOUR genes, YOUR lifestyle, the way YOU think, move and eat. It’s the opposite of Generic health – you know the one- size-fits-all approach. We’re also constantly changing: growing new cells, thinking new thoughts, adapting to new environments. So our own health care can’t possibly be exactly the same from day to day. To be in optimal health, your diet and lifestyle recommendations must be calculated every day. This is what ShaeFit™ does for you.
What is Personalised Health?
Personalised Health means tailoring your health care regime specifically to you: YOUR genes, YOUR lifestyle, the way YOU think, move and eat. It’s the opposite of Generic health – you know the one- size-fits-all approach. We’re also constantly changing: growing new cells, thinking new thoughts, adapting to new environments. So our own health care can’t possibly be exactly the same from day to day. To be in optimal health, your diet and lifestyle recommendations must be calculated every day. This is what ShaeFit™ does for you.
Where can I find recipes with my new foods?
“Recipes” can be found in your FOOD profile. You have 12,000+ recipes all ranked specifically to your needs at the touch of your fingers. If you would like to submit a recipe, please email us at [email protected]
How does ShaeFit™ works with my fitness club?
For those who love a PT, ShaeFit™ is an exceptional tool to use in conjunction with a Personal Trainer. With scientific, unbiased and personalised protocols and a Personal Trainer for support, technique correction and real life motivation, your members will revel in their new state of health and fitness. As a club owner or manager all you need do is give your members a link to where they can get started! That’s it. Everything else is done by us. You have total control over the amount of members that you offer ShaeFit™. No extra work for you but a huge value add to your members, their results and your bottom line.
What are the benefits ShaeFit™ gives me?
ShaeFit™ give you the keys to feeling better, with more energy, relief from aches and pains, clearer mental function, happier, more focused and engaged in life, better relationships and enjoying family more. All of this comes from you feeling your best, feeling fabulous, healthy, happy, vital and alive. When you feel like this everything else works better. Imagine a world like that.